DISCLAIMER www.haspel-partner.de
- Name: Haspel&Partner
- Address: Kramergasse 2, 01067 Dresden, In Google Maps öffnen.
- Contact phone number: +49 351 87 677 – 0
- Contact email: hup@haspel-partner.de
Access to the website www.haspel-partner.de, property of Haspel & Partner (hereinafter Haspel & Partner) and the use of the services offered on this website, implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use:
The design, source code and contents of the website www.haspel-partner.de are protected by Spanish legislation in relation to intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of Haspel & Partner, being prohibited its reproduction, distribution or public communication, total or partial, without the express authorization of Haspel & Partner.
Haspel & Partner informs users of the website www.haspel-partner.de, which may create an automated file with the personal data that are placed on your knowledge, either as a consequence of the use of the services offered on www.haspel-partner.de because of e-mail shipments of contact Haspel & Partner@Haspel & Partner.es or by the use of contact forms or inscription present on the website. In any case, the storage, protection and use of said data by Haspel & Partner will be in accordance with strict compliance with the provisions of the data.
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, users may at any time, the rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of their data, which would have been collected and filed. The exercise of these rights must be made by written communication addressed to the Haspel & Partner (Rio Viejo Street 57-59,41703 Dos Hermanas, Seville, Spain) or to the contact email address (Haspel & Partner@Haspel & Partner.es) indicating in in any case, as a reference “PERSONAL DATA” and the aforementioned right to file, attaching a copy of their National Document of Identity.
Haspel & Partner se reserva el derecho a interrumpir en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso el acceso al sitio web www.haspel-partner.de, asà como a modificar o eliminar la configuración del sitio, los contenidos que en el se muestran o la prestación de cualquiera o de todos los servicios que se prestan a través del mismo, ya sea por motivos técnicos, de seguridad, de mantenimiento o por cualquier otra causa. Dicha interrupción, edición o eliminación podrá tener carácter temporal o definitivo, sin que de ello se derive ninguna responsabilidad para Haspel & Partner
Access to the contents and services offered on www.haspel-partner.de, and the use of the same by the user, is carried out at his own risk.
Haspel & Partner is not responsible for any damages that may be suffered by the user, nor for possible technical problems or failures in the user’s computer equipment, which occurs due to:
A misuse of the contents of the services of www.haspel-partner.de by the user.
Errors, defects or omissions in the information provided when it comes from sources other than Haspel & Partner
Unlawful interferences outside the control of Haspel & Partner by third parties.
In www.haspel-partner.de may be mentioned indirectly and an informative level of some terms and logos, which are trademarks registered by their respective owners, not being responsible for the use that third parties cannot make regarding those marks.
Haspel & Partner is not responsible for these other data, websites, files that can be accessed through links (links) available between the contents of www.haspel-partner.de, their respective owners. Haspel & Partner, therefore, does not approve or its products, services, contents, information, data, files and any kind of existential material in web pages or files and do not control, in accordance with the provisions of LSSICE, is responsible for the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the information, contents, data and services existing in the linked sites and that are outside www.haspel-partner.de. In the event that a competent body declares the data unlawful, ordered its withdrawal or that access to them is impossible, or if the existence of the injury was declared, Haspel & Partner is expressly notified.
- Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or veracity of the privacy policies that third parties have mentioned in this cookie policy.
- Web browsers are the tools in charge of storing cookies and from this site you must make the right to remove or disable them. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of cookies by the mentioned browsers.
- In some cases, it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget its decision not to accept them.
- In the case of Google Analytics cookies, this company stores cookies on servers located in the United States and agrees not to share with third parties, except in cases where it is necessary for the operation of the system or when required by law to this end. According to Google does not save your IP address. Google Inc. is a company adhering to the Safe Harbor Agreement that guarantees that all data transferred will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European regulations. Detailed information can be found on this link. If you want information about the use that Google gives to cookies, we enclose this other link.
- For any questions or queries about this cookie policy do not hesitate to contact us through the contact section.
Cookies are a small amount of information sent by a website and stored in the user’s browser where session data is stored, such as the user and page settings.
There are several types of cookies:
- Technical Cookies: Those used for the operation of a portal either to display content or simply to properly operate an application or section of the website or third parties.
- User information cookies: they can be used to make a purchase process, form submission or any type of analysis that contains your data.
Cookies should not have a malicious background, therefore, normally there is nothing to worry about, they are mostly of the type techniques and in some cases personal, which are stored in your browser with an expiration time in case the website should make use of them in future entries to it.
Our duty is to inform you of the type of cookies used by this web portal and comply with the current law of cookies, which specifies that we must report the use of cookies on websites that contain them, as well as the type of cookies that they are, you can see the cookies that this website uses by clicking here.
Cookies are files created in the user’s browser to record their activity on the Website and allow a more fluid and personalized navigation.
The website www.haspel-partner.de uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of navigation on web pages. In your browser you can see 4 cookies from this service. These are your own cookies, session and analysis.
Through the web analytics information is obtained regarding the number of users accessing the web, the number of page views, frequency and repetition of visits, duration, browser used, operator providing the service, language, the terminal you use, or the city to which your IP address is assigned. Information that makes possible a better and more appropriate service by this portal.
Name | Character | Manager | Kind |
PHPSESSID | Session Technique | Website | Own of the site |
__atuvc | Technique | Website | Own of the site |
cookieacept | Technique | Website | Own of the site |
wp-settings-1, wp-settings-time-1, wordpress_test_cookie, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, OAIDPersonal Technique | Personal Technique | WORDPRESS | Own of the site |
docsperf, GAPS, GALX, ACCOUNT_CHOOSER, APISID, HSID, NID, PREF, LSID, SAPISID, SID, SSID, BEAT, OTZ, GDSESS, SoogleAccountsLocale_session | Personal Technique | From third parties | |
twitter_sess, external_referer, tz_offset_sec, guest_id, __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz | Personal Technique | From third parties | |
__atuvc, loc, uid | Personal Technique | Addthis | From third parties |
APISID, HSID, LOGIN_INFO, PREF, SID, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC | Personal Technique | Youtube | From third parties |
How to modify the cookie settings in my browser:
You may restrict, block or delete cookies from Haspel&Partner or any other web page, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, the ‘Help’ function will show you how to do it.
- Internet Explorer: windows.microsoft.com/es-xl/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=”ie-10″
- FireFox: support.mozilla.org/es/kb/Borrar%20cookies
- Chrome: support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=”es”
- Safari: www.apple.com/es/privacy/use-of-cookies/
In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser through tools such as the following:
- Ghostery: www.ghostery.com/
- Your online choices: www.youronlinechoices.com/es/